Thursday, June 28, 2012

thinking of depression

I have been thinking a lot about depression lately. It is something that needs to be talked about as well as thought about. We've just finished a 20,000+ mile trip around this beautiful country. We have visited so many friends and met new folks that it has been overwhelming at times.

What has stood out in the visits and sharing times is the shadow of depression. Normally it isn't something that pops up in discussion, but in the past few months I have discovered it is widespread and serious. Is it a type of silent epidemic? Either those we visit are struggling, or someone they love is in the depths.

Every return to the US, Phil and I learn the new words, food facts, and medical trends of our country. This visit I am unsettled to hear how widespread depression is:  among my age group and in the church. 

Depression is no stranger to me. Mom has suffered since her early 50s. She was diagnosed before the understanding of chemical imbalances. She endured years of counseling, and when that failed, years of electro-shock therapy. Her brain is now  suffering from the unforeseen consequences of that ineffective treatment. She has dementia symptoms, but not dementia. And she is still depressed. Only drugs helped her and the careful analysis necessary for drugs to work isn't as diligently extended to those on medicare.

Where am I going with this? Not sure. Depression is something we need to face head on. It is real; it is not a spiritual issue; it is unbearably painful. How can we non-depressed come alongside and encourage our friends in depression? What can we say and what should we not say? 

I can muster a few good guesses. Romans 8:28 doesn't make anyone FEEL any better, just that they ought to feel better. And no, no, no, we don't know how you feel. 

At the present moment, I have eight friends in various stages of depression. This is a serious and legitimate burden for me to carry. But how do I do this biblically? Marcia?

I doubt that depression is any more widespread now than it was in the past. The church today, at least in the States, is more honest about difficult subjects than it was. And more introspective.

Depression is a controversial subject in the church. Factions of believers disapprove of anti-depressant drugs and even Christian counseling. They believe the Word of God should be enough for us. I agree that God's Word is a powerful tool in our lives, but not used as a weapon against those who are struggling with something they cannot control.

I believe that depression, like birth defects, childhood cancer, and all illness, is a result of the fall. Because it's invisible, it may appear more controllable. Its causes are, most likely, many—spiritual, of course, but also physical, situational, and genetic.

Karen, you, though unaffected by depression, want to know how to care for those who are. Your concern alone meets a need. So many people don't care about what they haven't experienced. To express concern and to pray often for your depressed friends are responses they will appreciate—if not now, in the future.

Depressed people often believe or fear the worst. They need to hear the truth, even if they disagree. They are not in a position to believe “...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right...” but you are, and you can speak those words into them.

In my opinion, the biggest blessing you can bestow on them is to persevere in your concern. Depression, like grief, can last indefinitely.

Written by one who knows--


1 comment:

  1. How timely, gals! (Hope you don't mind the label :-})
    I have felt flat these past two days, for two reasons. I've just discovered (where have I been?) the extent of the Colorado Springs fires, when I saw a photo of an enormous billow of smoke ready to engulf a housing development. I thought it was mainly contained in the mountains, in an uninhabited area. Then I got to thinking about the people who were losing their homes, and memories (mostly photos, but, diaries as well). That made me depressed...
    Then, I saw, on FaceBook, a photo of Irainian Pastor Yosef, whom many of us have been praying for over the last year or so. He was blindfolded, standing between two guards (their identities hidden by a cloth over their heads) with a noose hanging before him. Their heads were bowed...his was lifted to Heaven. Wednesday, he was executed. For him, it's a triumph. He will win the martyrs crown. But, I thought of all those left behind, and those yet to be imprisoned. I wanted to cry! I heard at a Persecuted Church conference that Christians do not want prayers for safety, but for courage. It is an HONOR for them to die for Christ's sake. And that encourages me...
    I believe depression is part of satan's arsenal. When our teens were working at the Indian Reservation last week (an area that is known for its satanic oppression) they mentioned the dull, flat, almost depressed feelings they had during the week, which, of course, is not normal for a teen.
    Satan knows he has little time to work...he wants to disarm as many Christians as possible. The more we understand this, the more we can pray specifically for
    Christ to banish and bind his work in us. We must be on our guard...with our armor placed securely on!
